FTR – sentenced to life without parole

____ ____ ____, who was convicted last week for failure to register as a sex offender, was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole on Thursday.

Fifteenth District Attorney Hal Kittrell said ____ was given a life sentence because of his status as a habitual offender. He said ____ has been convicted of three previous felony charges in Pearl River County before being convicted for failing to register as a sex offender last week.

According to a press release from the District Attorney’s office, ____ had previously been convicted for child molestation in January 1990, accessory after the fact to automobile burglary in October 1997 and possession of a weapon by a convicted felon in January 2005.

Kittrell said, “I am very pleased with the outcome and think he is right where he needs to be.” Full Article

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This is total lunacy. Several years ago a similar sentence (I think in Georgia) for failure to register was thrown out as cruel and unusual punishment. I hope the same happens here!!!

Life in prison for failing to do something that isn’t punitive. How is this practice still not seen as obviously punitive.

“Man in Mississippi sentenced to life without parole for failing to renew his car registration” Can you imagine that happening? No.

Uuuh, yeaaa, right; the registry is a civil commitment.

His original offense was nearly 25 years ago. Seven years later in 1997 he gets convicted of “accessory after the fact” Lets define that:

accessory after the fact – a person who gives assistance or comfort to someone known to be a felon or known to be sought in connection with the commission of a felony. That means he might of had an associate that did commit a Felony in this case burglary.

Third he was in possession of a weapon in 2005. That can mean access to one that might not have been his. Say a roommate residing in his home or the owner of a home in which he resides.

The two after the fact charges were not violent nor sex related yet those events many years apart got him a life sentence topping off this BS is the registration violation. Really?

We don’t need vigilantes to harass us when we have the police and courts to do it for them. Where are we in pre-1945 Germany?

Did I miss the part of the article discussing who he murdered? This is totally irrational. Mississippi taxpayers must have deep pockets!

Notice there is no place for comments? We should find a way to re-post these articles in such a way to allow comment and have it so search engines will pick up on them along with original story. Okay her is what is done thanks to RSOL but I mean a way to tie these up allowing for comment from the general public.

This is an atrocity. This is why our system is failing.